Supporting the Research, Education and Public Awareness of the NUCCA Procedure
About Dr. Ralph R. Gregory:
Dr. Ralph Gregory was a visionary and gifted healer with the capacity and commitment to create a radical new way of healing that can help restore the body to perfect health. The focus of his lifetime work was the relationship between the upper cervical spine (neck) and its profound influence on the central nervous system and brain stem function. He developed a healing technique now known as NUCCA that stands for the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association.
The Ralph R. Gregory Memorial Foundation (Canada) was created to support patients, doctors, students and the general public by funding and supporting research, education, public awareness, and by establishing an endowment fund to enable future generations to continue receiving this miraculous process of healing.
Please explore this website to learn more about the many benefits that have come from the vision and passion of this one man, Dr. Ralph R. Gregory, a true visionary, scholar, researcher, educator, physician and friend.
Dr. Ralph R. Gregory
March 14, 1912
March 1, 1990